Thursday, January 17, 2019

Flood Damage Restoratio1

There are two distinctly different kinds of flood damage that could happen to your residence, and it's vitally important that you're adequately prepared for the two. While routine homeowner's insurance will likely cover flood because of a burst water heater (provided that it was not due to your negligence in failing to fix a minor escape), flooding from hurricanes or tornadoes isn't typically covered by homeowner's insurance coverage. You want unique flood coverage to guarantee coverage.

Water Damage Removal

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Essence of Flood Damage Restoration

Sudden occurrence of flooding causes acute damage to the property and life of people. Hence in the event of such extreme incidents one wants to look for the help of a professional flood repair business to keep your house secure.

Water Damage Remediation

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Water Damage Restoration

Natural Disaster Recovery and Flood Damage Restoration Disasters, particularly those triggered by nature are often followed by a swift humanitarian relief response to address the resultant emergencies.

Water Damage Home Repair

Water Damage Home Repair

Water Damage Restoration Natural Disaster Recovery and Flood Damage Restoration Disasters, particularly those triggered by nature are often followed by a swift humanitarian relief response to address the resultant emergencies Water Damage Remediation.

Water Damage Restoration

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Restoration Industry News, Information+ Resources

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Principles of Rapid Structural Drying

Initially, water damage restoration & repair was performed by carpet cleaning companies. The primary focus was on drying the carpet. The average residential job took 5 – 6 days to dry and restore. Specialized equipment and training were first introduced to the industry in the late 1970’s. There was little concern about mold at that time. It was believed that thought we could spray biocide and mold would not be a problem

5 Signs Your Shingle Roof Needs Replacing

Curling or clawing shingles are a sign of both an aging roof system and excessive heat. Curled or clawing shingles are highly susceptible to wind uplift and ice damage. Shingles will become rigid and can break easily and lose tab edges.

Shingle Roof

How to Handle a Roofing Disaster in Washington, D.C. area

As a homeowner, you rarely can predict when your home will be hit by a Natural Disaster. It is important to have a clear understanding of the proper steps that should be taken when the roof of your home has been damaged. Windstorms, severe rainstorms, and snow/ice storms can all cause damage to a shingle roof.

roof damaged by storm falling tree

Common Roofing Terms Defined & Explained

The following is a list of terms or phrases commonly used in the roofing industry. Each term is accompanied by a brief definition.
To search the glossary for a specific word or phrase, hit the “CTRL” and “F” buttons on your keyboard simultaneously and enter the keyword you wish to search for. (Mac users, please click “Command-F”).

Water Damage Repair

Roofing Terms Glossary Definitions